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Empowering Women Entrepreneurs to Shine Bright

Transform Your Business Journey with Expert Coaching and a Supportive Network.

Sarah Ziesler woman business coach of Shine, ShEO! in Greenville, SC
Shine, ShEO! women entrepreneurs in Greenville, SC

Our Mission

At Shine, ShEO!, our mission is to empower and uplift women entrepreneurs by providing personalized coaching, fostering a supportive community, and illuminating the path to success. We believe in the transformative power of strategic guidance and a network of like-minded women, creating an environment where every entrepreneur can shine brightly in their business journey.

The Shine, ShEO! Community is for anyone who is dealing with:

Financial Frustrations: Are budgeting, pricing, and managing cash flow causing you stress and uncertainty? Whether you're just starting or scaling, navigating the financial landscape can be overwhelming. 

Business Growth Hurdles: Are you facing roadblocks on the path to growing your business? From scaling challenges to transitioning from corporate to entrepreneurship, we've been there.

Confidence Cracks: Do you sometimes doubt your abilities, battling imposter syndrome or feeling the weight of self-doubt? You're not alone. We're here to help you reclaim your confidence.

Balancing Act: Does the constant juggling act between your business and personal life leave you feeling exhausted and stretched thin? Are you struggling with managing your time and staying productive? Striking a balance between personal and professional lives are a common struggle for entrepreneurs. 

Seeking Support: Is the entrepreneurial journey starting to feel lonely? Whether you're just starting or have been at it for a while, having a supportive community can make all the difference. 

Adaptability. Empowerment. Impact.

Shine, ShEO! Bootcamp

Through this in-depth program, we'll cover everything from essential business fundamentals to creating habits, including time management, setting achievable goals, and aligning your business for success.  

Shine, ShEO! 

Our coaching program offers group sessions, customized one-on-one sessions, and expert call coaching to help you improve marketing, sales, and efficiency. We'll trouble shoot obstacles and streamline your business for success. 

Shine, ShEO!
Community Experts

Whether you need guidance in sales, marketing, processes and systems, or intuitive business coaching, we've got you covered. Whether you're looking for done-for-you services or problem solving, our community offers support.

Our Vision

At Shine, ShEO!, we envision a world where women entrepreneurs not only succeed but thrive. Our mission is to provide tailored coaching and a supportive community that propels your business forward.

Shine, ShEO! Women business owners at an event in Greenville, SC

Results Driven Coaching

Analytical Approach

We take a focused and analytical approach to coaching. Together, we'll analyze your business, set specific goals, and implement strategies tailored to your unique needs.

Your Partner In Success

As your business strategist, Sarah is your second pair of eyes, your cheerleader, your accountability partner, and your co-pilot. We take these roles seriously because your success is our mission.

Get Your Free Download

The Ultimate Guide to Increased Productivity

Scale your business without compromising your time. 

I decided to join a masterclass and then the academy. BEST DECISION EVER!I love that Sarah is honest and straightforward. She is not scared to ask me the hard questions, challenge me and call my bluff when and if needed.


I have desperately needed to organize each division of my business now that there is more that I offer. Sarah is truly helping me become so much more organized in my business by looking at one piece at a time even when I throw a million things on my plate. If you need clarity and organization within your business try the Shine ShEO academy, Sarah will not disappoint!

Anya W.

"Success is no accident. It is hard work, perseverance, learning, sacrifice, and most of all, love for what you are doing."

- Pele -

Book Your Free
Consultation Today

Ready to take the first step towards aligning your business with your unique vision? Book a free consultation with me and together, we'll craft a roadmap that not only empowers your business but brings your visions to life.

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